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Items are monitored every step of the way. To quickly see an estimated delivery date, navigate to My Orders. Each item (plus all the information you might need to know about it) will have its current status and estimated arrival date. From there, the exact location of your item can be found by clicking “Track Your Package.”
On the “Track Your Package” page, you can opt in or out of text notifications to get real-time updates about the status of your order. Either way, we’ll keep you in the loop and send you a confirmation email with all the tracking information as soon as the item has shipped!
If you are interested in finding the estimated delivery date for an item before you place an order, just expand the “Shipping & Returns” tab on the item’s product page.
If you have placed an order, please note that estimated delivery dates vary depending on whether it is a small item or a large item:
Visit our Shipping Information article for more details on item sizes, delivery dates, and shipping methods.