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Canceling an Order

You can request to cancel any order before it ships from My Orders. Cancellation requests are not a guarantee, as our cancellation system will not allow items to be canceled once they are preparing for shipment.

If you missed the window to cancel the order, you can always set up a return or exchange ahead of time, and then send the item back once it arrives. Please note, return shipping costs may apply!

Canceling a Return

Already filled out the return form but changed your mind? Don’t worry! As long you still have the item in your possession, you can easily cancel the return from My Orders.

Canceling an Ufundi Bora Furniture Credit Card

You can cancel your Ufundi Bora Furniture Credit Card at any time by calling +256 704 347463.

By no longer participating, you won’t earn any new rewards, and will lose any existing rewards associated with the Account.

Canceling an Email Subscription

You can unsubscribe or choose to receive fewer emails at any time. For more details, check out Email Subscriptions.

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