06 February 2024

A successful launch of an asset in a low and middle-income country (LMIC) requires evidence and data specific to those countries. This includes healthcare resource use (HRU) data, which is particularly important for markets assessing not only the efficacy of a novel asset but also the budget impact on local health care systems. However, in many LMICs, obtaining this data can be challenging because of poor infrastructure or the frequency by which the data is collected. This subsequently impacts the budget impact assessment to assess the feasibility of launching in a market at a given price.

Our Research

Assessing the Barriers to Healthcare Resource Use (HRU) Data Collection and Offering Solutions to Support the Evidence Generation Process in LMICs.

In our ISPOR EU 2023 poster “Assessing the Barriers to Healthcare Resource Use (HRU) Data Collection and Offering Solutions to Support the Evidence Generation Process in LMICs.”, we explored the barriers of HRU data collection in LMICs. We also delved into some of the solutions that can support pharmaceutical companies in identifying data that could be modelled when assessing the budget impact of their asset when, for example, treatment and adverse event management costs are important.

Using secondary research, we found that barriers including poor infrastructure and the quality of data can limit a manufacturer’s ability to fully showcase the cost-saving potential of its asset compared to those already on the market. This became even more evident in a cost of treatment model we developed that explored the cost-comparison of adverse events in Mexico and Argentina.

The missing local HRU data were eventually sourced from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) submissions or the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC). Some additional solutions we identified included payer and healthcare clinical practitioner (HCP) validated data proxies coupled with sensitivity analyses to aid budget impact analyses and support the rational for achieving a price premium in an LMIC.

If you would like to know more about our cutting-edge research, or download our Assessing the Barriers to Healthcare Resource Use (HRU) Data Collection and Offering Solutions to Support the Evidence Generation Process in LMICs research poster, see more here.

If you would like to discuss research with us in greater depth or how it could be applied to your own situation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

See more here or connect with us at info@globalpricing.com.

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