05 January 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceuticals, we grapple with challenges where the Loss of Exclusivity (LoE) poses a double-edged sword. While it fosters patient access to more affordable alternatives, it casts a shadow over originator manufacturers, leading to a decline in revenue. The impact of LoE varies based on drugs and market conditions. To dig deep and learn more we have dived into the evolving world of pharmaceutical dynamics with our recent study on “Loss of Exclusivity (LoE): Impact Analysis across Europe-5 and Select Nordic Countries.” presented at #ISPOREU2023.

Our Research

Our research delves into the impact of LoE and mitigation strategies on list prices across the EU4, the UK, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway to decode the intricacies and mitigation strategies influencing list prices in the wake of LoE.

Spanning across Immunology, Neurology, and Oncology, we explored eight drugs that lost exclusivity between 2015-2021. Leveraging data from GPI pulse™ in May 2023, our analysis paints a vivid picture of the post-LoE scenario, where average originator price changes ranged from -21.1% to +11.7%. France and Sweden emerged as leaders, showcasing over 18% price drops, while the landscape of pre-LoE strategies unfolded in the intriguing patterns of five countries.

At Global Pricing Innovations (GPI), this research aligns seamlessly with our commitment to transforming the pharmaceutical landscape. As we examine the intricacies of LoE, it seamlessly links with our broader efforts in market access and pricing landscape. We are here to empower our stakeholders to make smart choices in healthcare.

If you like to know more about our cutting-edge research, connect with us at info@globalpricing.com.

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